Golf India November

Founded by aviators Morgane & Thibault, Golf India November was deliberately inspired by travellers and explorers. After travelling 5 continents, visiting local markets and enjoying all the overwhelming flavours, it became clear that their spirits would be a blend of only the very best aromas. After several experiments and with the support of Thibault's grandfather, master distiller for 50 years, they created the perfect drink: retaining the refined taste of gin, but without the hangover and without the calories. The gin is carefully distilled in a copper Cognac cauldron to enhance all the flavours. This results in an elegant non-alcoholic gin, which takes you on a trip around the world with every sip. As a nod to aviation enthusiasts, Golf India November means GIN in the aviation alphabet....

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Bei werden Sie mit dem leckersten Getränk von Golf India November garantiert Erfolg haben. Bei uns ist Ihnen ein sicherer Versand Ihrer Bestellung und ein Käuferschutz bis zu einem Betrag von 2.500 € zugesichert. Haben Sie Fragen zu unseren Produkten? Bitte wenden Sie sich an unseren Kundenservice. Sie helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!